Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 8.01.03

Terror of the Autons - Episode Three

The Doctor attacks the Autons in the front seat of the car. The Auton driving the car loses control and the car crashes. The Doctor and Jo get out of the car. They run and hide. The Autons come looking for them but then the Brigadier and Captain Yates show up. They are unable to destroy the Autons but they do manage to rescue the Doctor and Jo.

The Master, disguised as a telephone repairman, visits UNIT HQ. He replaces the phone in the lab and then leaves.

The Doctor and Jo go to visit the Farrel residence and talk to Mrs. Farrel. She gives them the doll that strangled her husband. They take it back to UNIT HQ. The Doctor leaves Jo to keep an eye on the doll. It comes back to life but Captain Yates shoots it to pieces before it can harm either of them.

The Doctor and the Brigadier visit the factory that Farrel owns. No one is there except an Auton in a safe, which almost kills them. They return to UNIT HQ and learn about the doll coming to life. The Doctor decides that he must examine it further but by himself. He orders everyone else out of the lab.

The phone rings. The Doctor picks up and finds himself talking to the Master. The evil Time Lord plays a high pitched sound through the phone. The cord from the phone that the Doctor is holding starts to constrict itself around him.


There's quite a bit that happens in this episode. I don't think it all flows very well but it moves the plot forward. It was fun but the special effects are still wonky. This isn't a ringing endorsement but considering how shaky I am about the 3rd Doctor it's probably as positive as I am going to get.

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