Monday, July 29, 2024

The Tick (2016) 2.04

Blood and Cake

Arthur and the Tick go to AEGIS headquarters with a piece of evidence. They want to get it analyzed but the lab is shut down. Everyone is focused on figuring out what to do about Superian who just carved up a mountainside to look like himself.

Dot continues to train. Overkill comes by. He's impressed by her dedication but he's down in the dumps because he still can't kill because of the promise he made to the Tick. Dot finds a loophole and orders him to start killing again.

Arthur and the Tick get Danger Boat to analyze the evidence. The Tick says something about AEGIS to CB while they are waiting for it to finish the analysis. Overkill and Dot show up. DB starts playing McArthur Park and locks all the doors. They only have until the song finishes playing. Overkill tells them about the last time something like this happened. He was outside. DB locked the boat and purged everything inside. DB has PTSD.

Ms. Lint, now calling herself Joan of Arc, goes on a spree, killing bad guys. Most of them are her enemies. When she finds out that there's a rumor going around about her real identity she realizes she has to try killing someone who's not one of her enemies.

Overkill tries, unsuccessfully, to stop Danger Boat. Time is running out. Arthur, in the end, saves them all by telling DB about how he misses his father.

Dot accompanies Overkill on a mission. They save a bunch of people who have been converted into living furniture. They don't find the bad guy they are looking for but Dot demonstrates an ability that no one knew she had, she dodges a bullet.


I probably sound like a broken record but once again that was a lot of fun. They actually addressed two things that I was wondering about after the previous episode. Dot has finally joined the team. The story behind Danger Boat's weird behavior is finally revealed.

It's kind of sad that there are just six episodes left in this series. I love the humor in this show and the interpersonal relationship stuff: Arthur and the Tick, Arthur and Danger Boat, Dot and Overkill. It all adds to the mix.

What's next? Will Arthur and the Tick catch up to Lobstercules? Will Dot and Overkill find the Duke? Will Agent Tyrannosaurus Rathbone be in the next episode? What's next for Ms. Lint aka Joan of Arc? Will Arthur's mother and stepfather make another appearance before the season ends?

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