Saturday, July 13, 2024

Justice League Action 1.06

Nuclear Family Values

Firestorm battles a team of androids (The Nuclear Family) who first take over and then plan to blow up the Hudson Nuclear Power Plant.


Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman are in this episode at the beginning and the end but Firestorm deals with the villains on his own.

Firestorm's origin is revealed early in this episode. The Hudson Nuclear Power Plant is also where Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein first combined into the being known as Firestorm. The origin of the Nuclear Family is also revealed during this episode.

Ronnie Raymond has picked a new catch phrase which he uses a few times during the episode: the heat is on! Professor Stein isn't as excited by the catch phrase but he does use it once.

This was fun. I enjoyed it. I'm glad they didn't overcomplicate the story.

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