Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 8.01.02

Terror of the Autons - Episode Two

The Doctor gets the bomb away from Jo and throws it out of the window. It doesn't blow up until it has sunk into some water. No one is injured. Jo is still in a hypnotic trance, even after the bomb blows up, but she eventually returns to consciousness.

The Master deals with McDermott, Farrel's second in command, by having him smothered by a inflatable chair. Farrel Senior shows up at the factory. He objects to the control that the Master is exerting over the company. The Master tries to hypnotize the elder Farrel but it doesn't work. The Master switches to plan B. He paces a plastic toy in Farrel Senior's car. It comes to life and strangles Farrel Senior after he takes it home with him.

The Doctor goes to the circus to look for the missing scientist, Professor Phillips. The manager of the circus catches the Doctor snooping around and with some help for the strong man he restrains him. That works until Jo shows up and hits the strong man over the head. The Doctor and Jo escape temporarily but a mob led by the manager of the circus attack them. They are rescued by two police officers who turn out to be Autons.


Roy Stewart, who played Toberman in Tomb of the Cybermen, played the circus strongman. 

One of the scientists who I thought had been killed in the previous episode was Professor Phillips. He's dead by the end of this episode but I thought he had been killed in the previous one because he went missing.

Still fun but the special effects are wonky. There wasn't quite enough of the Master in this one after the first 5-7 minutes. Most everyone he deals with is hypnotized which also doesn't make for a very interesting episode.

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