Saturday, July 20, 2024

Justice League Action 1.07

Zombie King

Solomon Grundy gets his hands on the the Star of the Dead, which once belongef to voodoo queen Granny Cottonmouth. Grundy uses it to raise the dead and turns them into zombies. Grundy plans to start by taking over New Orleans but Swamp Thing steps forward to stop him. Grundy and his army prove to be more than Swamp Thing can handle so he calls the Justice League for help,

Batman responds to the call and tries to get Constantine and Zatanna to join the battle with Grundy. They are busy battling Brother Night and unable to provide the backup requested but they do confirm that it's the night of the Crimson Moon, which only happens once every 100 years and that evil magic is particularly potent on Crimson Night.

Batman joins Swamp Thing in New Orleans. Together they battle Grundy and his zombie army. Zatanna shows up midway through the fight but she gets there a little late. Batman and Zatanna are transformed into zombies. It looks like Solomon Grundy has won but all is not lost because Swamp Thing has not been defeated.


Zatanna first crossed paths with Batman in Detective Comics 336 (Feb 1965) and Justice League of America 51 (Feb 1967). Zatanna and Constantine both appeared in Swamp Thing when Alan Moore was writing the book. I believe that Zatanna's shared past with Batman is mostly a creation of Batman the Animated series. 

This was a decent episode. The story, once again, wrapped up a little too quickly but I was really enjoying it up to that point.

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