Monday, July 22, 2024

The Tick (2016) 2.03

Hot Beige!

Arthur has a chat with Superian, in Guatemala. Dot trains by herself and then goes to see Arthur and the Tick.

The Tick talks recipes with Arthur's mother.

Overkill has a chat with Special Agent Tyrannosaurus Rathbone who suggests that Overkill take on a covert mission.

Arthur and the Tick go looking for Lobstercules. They get some advice on how to proceed from Flextron, a retired superhero. The advice eventually leads them to a gambling den. Arthur disguises himself and goes in hoping to find one of Lobsterrcules' henchmen. He does but then Ms. Lint shows up, in her new duds.

Ms. Lint claims to be a good gal now. Arthur doesn't believe her but he can't do anything about it and the Tick seems to assume that she is speaking the truth.


When is Dot going to join the team? Can Danger Boat ever seem not creepy when he's talking to Arthur? What is Ms. Lint really up to? Will Lobstercules return? Will Overkill redeem himself in the eyes of his old mentor, Agent Rathbone?

This was another quality episode. I really like what they've got hoing here. I have my doubts as to whether they will wrap it up in a way that satisfies me.

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