Friday, February 28, 2025

Fargo 5.07


The woman in whose house Munch lives has an adult son who comes to visit. He wants money. Munch gives him some but then as the son is leaving Munch comes at him with an axe.

Dot stops for a bite to eat, pancakes. She gets back on the road after her meal. She stops near a wind mill and pulls a post card for Camp Utopia out from under some rocks next to the wind mill. She keeps driving until she finds Camp Utopia.

She's there to find Linda, Roy's first wife. Linda is there. She's the one who runs Camp Utopia. It's a place for women who have escaped abusive relationships. Dot wants Linda to leave with her, to go back and testify against Roy. Linda tells Dot that she needs to do like the rest of the women and make a puppet and use it to tell her story.

Wayne is still not fully recovered. He's lost his business sense. He spends a lot of time staring into space. One night, he reads Scotty a story he makes up about Dot, about how brave Dot is.

Gator tracks down Munch. He shoots what he thinks is Munch from across the street. He sees the bag of money in Munch's car. He breaks into it and is in the process of retrieving the money when the woman who owns the house shows up, grabs him, and calls him a thief. Gator pushes her down. She hits her head on the curb, starts bleeding heavily, and doesn't get up. Gator grabs the bag of money and leaves. Munch comes out of the house and finds the body.

Dot makes the puppet in record time. She uses it to tell the story of how she met Linda, live in Roy's house, and what happened around the time that Linda disappeared. Linda, after the performance, agrees to return with Dot. They are driving back when Dot wakes up back in the restaurant where she stopped for pancakes.

Dot walks outside. She gets hit by a car that is bumped into her by a sixteen-wheeler. She wakes up in a hospital. Roy is there.


Lorraine and Danish are not in this episode. Indira Olmstead only shows up in the summary of what came before.

I’m not sure why Dot was in North Dakota. She told Indira that she had to something but it isn’t clear what that something was. Maybe she was looking for Linda. I’m not sure.

I thought something felt a little odd about how fast Dot made the puppet. I wasn't surprised but I also wasn't expecting her stay at Camp Utopia to turn out to be a dream.

Dot only makes one puppet but there are several when she puts on a puppet show and tells her story. There are puppets of Roy, Linda, and Gator in the puppet show.

What an ending to this episode. Up to the point where Nadine woke up from her dream I was thinking this was a fairly bland episode. When she woke up in the hospital I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I had a feeling that Roy would be there.

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