starring David Krumholtz
directed by Bob Byington
80 minutes
Lousy Carter (David Krumholtz), a professor who is teaching a graduate seminar on The Great Gatsby, gets a terminal diagnosis. He has six months to live. His ex recommends that he have an affair with one of his students. He makes moves in that direction while continuing to have an affair with his best friend's wife. He ignores repeated requests from a guy he knew in high school to reconnect. His mother dies. More stuff happens.
There are a few familiar faces in this movie in addition to the star. I am thinking of Martin Starr and Stephen Root. I know Martin Starr best from Freaks & Geeks and Party Down. I know Stephen Root best from NewsRadio.
I like this movie. It has an indie feel to it. It is not a downer, despite the terminal diagnosis. Carter doesn't seem to take it too seriously and neither does the movie. I laughed numerous times. It does not overstay its welcome. It is just the right length.
02/17/25 21:30
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