Friday, November 1, 2019

Future Man 1.13

A Date with Destiny

Josh doesn't get what he expected. Dingo and Owl show up instead of Tiger and Wolf. Together the five come up with a plan to attack and take down the Kronish building. They break into 3 teams: Alpha (Tiger and Dingo), Bravo (Wolf and Josh), and Charlie (Owl).

Everything does not go according to plan. Dingo and Tiger get into a fight when Tiger shows too much resistance to killing innocents in the process of getting at Kronish. Owl proves to be less effective than thy hoped he would be. Josh goes after Dr. Kronish while Tiger and Wolf hold off the biotics. Josh finds Kronish and tells him why he is there, to kill him.

Tiger and Wolf escape back to the future after numerous fire fights with the biotics. Josh escapes after blowing up Dr. Kronish research. He just barely escapes the building alive as it blows up but finds Skarsgaard waiting for him. Josh gets arrested and gets locked up in Alamore Asylum. Skarsgaard come to visit him. Josh claims he has no regrets for taking all the blame for what happened. The episode ends with Josh alone in his cell as the air starts to crackle with energy.


This episode didn't totally work for me. It felt anticlimactic and not as much fun or as funny as many of the others this season.

Overall I'm not real high on this series but I think that I will give the second season a try. I like it but I don't love it. I don't think it is as satisfying as I want it to be but it has enough of the elements that I like to keep me interested for now. I'm not going to jump into season 2 right away but hope to do so in the not too distant future.

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