Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Box of Delights 1.01

When the Wolves Were Running

Kay Harker, schoolboy, takes the train to see aunt, Carolyn Louisa, during Christmas break. On the way he meets Cole Hawlings, an old Punch and Judy performer. He also meets a couple clergymen who insist on showing him card tricks. Kay realizes when he gets off the train that his wallet is gone.

Carolyn Louisa meets Kay at the train station. She lets him know that they have company for the holidays, four kids whose parents are out of the country at the present. Kay gets a chance to speak to Mr. Hawlings before he and his aunt leave the train station. The old man tells him to keep an eye out for an old lady with a magic ring.

Kay and Carolyn Louisa stop on the way to Seekings Hall, where she lives, to get some muffins. Kay sees the lady with the magic ring. He talks to her very briefly but then she vanishes. Kay meets the other kids (Peter, Maria, Susan, Jemima) once he and his aunt get to Seekings Hall. 

Kay goes back into town on his own to see if he can find Cole Hawlings. He runs into a man on horseback wearing a magic ring who gives him a mysterious message. He runs into to the old lady with the magic ring, again. She tells him where he can find Mr. Hawlings. Once Kay finds the old man he gives him the message from the man on horseback. Cole shows him a magic object, the Box of Delights.

Cole Hawlings returns with Kay to Seekings Hall. He performs a Punch and Judy show for Kay and the other kids. Cole senses, after the show, something malevolent outside. He leaves by magical means: he walks into a painting hanging above the fireplace.

Kay escorts Carolyn Louisa to the train station. She has to go see her brother who isn't feeling well. Kay stops in town on the way back to do some Christmas shopping. He spots the two clergymen he met on the train. Kay overhears them talking to another man who questions them and gives them orders. He overhears them talking about wanting to catch up to Cole Hawlings and get his Box of Delights. He also hears something about something happening at Bottlers Down at dawn.

Kay goes home but he gets up in the middle of the night and heads to Bottlers Down. He travels by pony which he finds outside Seekings Hall. He is chased by wolves but he gets to Bottlers Down just in time for a pitched battle.


I first saw this show when it aired on PBS in the US in the mid-1980s. I think this is the first time I have seen it since then. 

Patrick Troughton plays the part of Cole Hawlings. I know him best as Doctor Who but I think I saw him in this show before I saw any of the stories he was in as the Doctor.

I was amazed at how much story they packed into this introductory episode. Most of the side characters make an appearance here or there. There are only a couple significant ones who have not shown up yet.

I enjoyed watching this episode anew, quite a bit, and look forward to watching the rest. 

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