Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Captain Harlock (1978) 1.35

The Beautiful Mysterious Woman

The Arcadia heads back towards Earth. Mayu teaches some of the crew members how to play the Ocarina.

Commander Mitsuru Kiruta, back on Earth, meets with a Mazone who gives him what she says are the Mazone invasion plans for Earth. She knows that he doesn't care for the Prime Minister and suggests that he join forces with the Mazone. He refuses and kills her.

The meeting was observed by Shizuka Namino, the secretary to the Prime Minister. She caught the whole thing on film and shows an edited version of what she filmed to the PM. The footage that the PM sees is cut to make it look like Kiruta is working with the Mazone and that it was Namino who killed the Mazone agent.

A bomb, secretly placed by Namino, is interpreted by the Prime Minister as an attempt on his life by Commander Kiruta. The PM orders Kiruta arrested. He is tried and sentenced to death but before the sentence can be carrid out Namino steps in and helps him escape.

The Arcadia returns to Earth. Captain Harlock insists that Mayu return to school. She doesn't want to even though the other students welcome her back with open arms.

Commander Kiruta meets with Captain Harlock and talks him into looking after Shizuka Namino. The Arcadia leaves with a new passenger.


What are Namino's motives? I thought she was Mazone. I am confused by the range of her actions. First, she accuses Kiruta of working with the Mazine. Next, she helps Kiruta escape execution. Is it all some trick to get herself placed on the Arcada? Is she a Mazone like I first thought? I now believe she is and the preview for the next episode seems to confirm that fact.

Captain Harlock insistence on sending Mayu back to school seems like a subtle message to the kids watching the show.

Probably two-thirds of this episode are focused on Kiruta and Namino. It was a nice change of pace. I thought they would spend a few episodes with the Arcadia traveling back to Earth but I guess not. The next episode, based on the preview looks like it will mostly take place on the Arcadia.

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