Thursday, July 6, 2023

Teen Titans 3.10

Can I Keep Him?

The Teen Titans return to the Tower after doing battle with Johnny Rancid and his robot dog. The Tower has been trashed. They start to look for the culprit. It turns out that the culprit is Silkie, a creation of Killer Moth (see Teen Titans 2.06). Beast Boy kept the little bundle of joy and now he asks Starfire to hide it for him.

Starfire is grossed out, at first, but quickly bonds with the critter. She feeds it some Tamaranian berries that cause Silkie to grow and get much bigger. She wants to keep Silkie but ultimately accepts that her teammates are correct, she can't keep Silkie. She takes Silkie to an abandonded island and leaves it there, unaware that the island isn't truly abandoned.

Killer Moth finds Silkie and mutates him from a larva into a full grown moth. Killer Moth goes on a rampages with some help from Silke who is now rather fuzzy. The Teen Titans do their best but the fully grown Silkie is a little too much for them. It isn't until Starfire reminds Silkie of all the good times that they shared together that the critter turns on Killer Moth.


The theme song is sung in Japanese for the third time (?) this season.

Killer Moth refers to Silkie as Larva M-319. Silkie is kind of scary looking when fully grown and kind of gross looking before then.

This is Killer Moth's second appearance. It is his only appearance on the show during the third season. He will return in the fourth and fifth seasons.

This is a weird episode. I like it but there are parts of it don't make much sense, like the ending, which I did not describe in full. How was Beast Boy able to keep Silkie hidden since the middle of the previous season? Not great but solidly good. I can see how some people might like it more (or less) than me.

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