Friday, July 14, 2023

Un Village Français 3.11

Le traître 
or The Traitor

31 Oct 1941

Hortense comes to see Daniel in jail. He tells her that he wants a divorce. Hortense goes to Heinrich and tries to talk him into releasing Daniel. She insists that he not torture her husband. He agrees not to touch Daniel. Muller goes to see Daniel. He demands that Daniel tell him where Marcel is. Daniel tells him that he doesn't know and that he wouldn't tell him even if he did.

Raymond buys a farm for Marie and her sons. Things are still rocky between Raymond and Jeanine.

DeKervern gives Marchetti the results of his investigation. Marchetti rejects the conclusion that Raymond Schwartz is the murderer. Schwartz is a good example of Franco-German collaboration. Marchetti decides to hand the investigation over to someone younger. 

Hortense goes to see Marchetti in the hopes that he can do something for Daniel. He is resistant. He finally agrees to and then pushes her to her knees and unzips his pants.

Muller has Daniel brought to his office. Hortense shows up. He handcuffs her to a chair and then starts to torture her. Miuller promised her he would not torture Daniel and he holds to that promise. The torture session is interrupted by Kollwitz who is angry with Muller for not telling him that he had arrested Daniel, the mayor of Villeneuve. He gives Kollwitz orders sending him to Minsk and orders him to leave immediately.

DeKervern comes home and finds that Judith has collapsed. She ran out of medication. Dr. Larcher was supposed to bring her more. She is taken to the hospital. DeKervern meets with Servier's nephew, who has offered to pay him for the name of the Caberni's killer. DeKervern whispers something in the nephew's ear and gets the money he needs to pay for an operation for Judith. 

Hortense goes home with Daniel. He dresses her wound. She wants to move back in but he still plans to divorce her. She insists that she need to be around for Tequiero, their adopted son.

Two gendarmes come to the Larcher household. They have a warrant for the arrest of Sarah, signed by Servier. Daniel goes to see Servier who insists that it is for the best. She will be taken to a detention camp. Servier also tells Daniel that it is too late for him to do anything about it.

Marcel spends the whole episode hiding out in the woods. His communist friends come to see him. The first time is is just Max. The second time Paul (the leader) and Max come to see him. The third time both men come to see him plus Suzanne. Paul and Max pull Marcel aside. They tell him that Suzanne is the one who betrayed Yvon and that she has been sleeping with a policeman. Paul give him a gun and tells him that because he (Marcel) is the one that brought her to their group he (Marcel) has to take care of the problem.


I suppose that the title of this episode could refer to Hortense or Suzanne or anyone else who has betrayed someone in someway. 

Lucienne and Beriot are not in this episode but Beriot does get a mention during one of the scenes that takes place in the police station.

Marchetti proves he is both stupid and reprehensible. He lets his politics get in the way of arresting Raymond Schwartz and then he takes advantage of Hortense's desperation. I think he must have been the one who told Kollwitz that Muller was holding Daniel.

There was a point in this episode where I thought that Muller might have tortured Sarah instead of Hortense. I don't think we've seen the last of him. I'm pretty sure that he will be back.

Hortense doesn't know what she wants. Right now she wants Daniel but I'm pretty sure that if Heinrich was still around then she would be more interested in him.

There's a lot of good tense moments in this episode. This was a good one.

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