Monday, July 10, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 15.04.04

The Sun Makers - Part Four

The Doctor saves Leela from getting steamed to death. The revolution takes off in earnest. The Collector is disappointed when he doesn't hear any screams as Leela is steamed to death. He orders Gatherer Hade to do something. Hade tries but before long he thrown off the roof of a building. The Doctor and Leela investigate the Collector's office.

The Doctor has a chat with the Collector once he returns. The Collector is more than happy to tell the Doctor about his operation on Pluto and how he has more or less enslaved the humans who live there. The Collector is an Usurian, a fungal race and he reverts to his original form once he realizes that the odds are stacked against him.

The Doctor and Leela say their goodbyes to Mandrel, Cordo and the others and then depart with K-9 in the TARDIS.


I wish there was more to say about this episode. I wish that there had been a little more to this episode. Once Leela is rescued it basically seems like the rest of the episode is all about mopping things up. The Collector has ideas about how to put down the rebellion but the Doctor and Leela put a stop to that. It turns out that he's an alien, he runs and hides, the end.

This is still my favorite story this season, despite how I feel about how it wraps up in this episode. I wouldn't say that it is amazingly great but its a good one. I just wish that the bad guys hadn't been defeated quite so quickly or neatly.

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