Monday, July 20, 2020

Fleabag 2.01

Episode 1

It has been just over a year since the end of season 1. Fleabag's father and her godmother are getting married soon. They're having dinner with Claire, Martin, the priest who is going to marry them and Fleabag, at a nice restaurant. The waitress is kind of pushy. The priest is very low key. The godmother dominates the conversation.

Fleabag seems to have cleaned up her act. Everyone is surprised by how quiet she is. She goes out to smoke a couple times during the meal. The priest comes out one time to bum a cigarette off her. She gives him one and then heads back inside immediately. Her father comes out the other time. He gives her a birthday present. It looks like it might be money but it turns out to be a gift certificate for a therapy session.

Fleabag follows Claire into the bathroom later in the meal. Claire is having a miscarriage but doesn't want to do anything about it other that get something to staunch the flow of blood. Fleabag talks her into going to the hospital but once they get back to the table Claire starts acting like nothing is wrong. Fleabag is incredulous but her behavior makes everyone suspect that something is wrong with her instead of Claire.

Fleabag says she's had miscarriage and needs to go. The conversation gets strange until Martin starts joking about the miscarriage. Fleabag punches Martin in the face, he punches her back and then somehow the waitress also gets socked in the face.

The episode ends with Fleabag walking home. Her nose is still bleeding. She hears someone calling her name. It's Claire and she's got a cab. She offers to take Fleabag home but Fleabag tells the driver to take them to the nearest hospital.


The episode opens with Fleabag cleaning up her bloody face in the ladies room. It was truly surreal. The episode then back tracks and eventually comes back to that moment towards the end of the episode. I liked the use that technique. It kept me guessing as to when and how they were going to arrive at that moment.

There were lots of little moments I loved in this episode. The asides were great, as always. The priest didn't really seem like a priest. He cursed and didn't dress like a priest. I loved the back and forth between Fleabag and Claire. I especially liked the looks they exchanged after they came back from the loo. 

This was really good. I hope the rest of the season is as good as this episode.

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