Saturday, July 25, 2020

Better Call Saul 1.09


No flashbacks.

Sandpiper Crossing's attorneys get serious. They try to get Jimmy barred from stepping foot in the assisted living facility. He fights that and wins but they don't stop there. They start issuing all sorts of legal documents to try and block the case from moving forward. Jimmy is ready to take on the fight but Chuck thinks that it is too much for the two of them. They need help. They need HHM. Jimmy is resistant but eventually he capitulates.

Mike spends some time with Stacey and Kaylee. He has brought them the dog he took to the vet in last episode. Mike has to step away for a moment to take a phone call. When he returns he tells Stacey that it is about a job opportunity.

Jimmy helps Chuck get ready to return to HHM. Chuck sneaks out of the house, the night before they meet with HHM. He wrapped himself up in his space blanket and put an oven mitt on one hand. He goes out to the mail box and gets Jimmy's phone. He turns it on and makes a phone call.

Jimmy and Chuck go in to meet with Howard, who is more than happy to take the case off their hands. Jimmy gets some money and is promised a cut of the settlement whenever that happens, probably years down the road. Jimmy wants more. He wants the office next to Chuck. Howard refuses that request. Jimmy responds by threatening to poison the case.

Mike shows up for the work assignment he has been offered. It is a protection job. There are two other guys there. One of them is big and quiet. The other one is wiry and has a mouth on him. Mike gets into it with the talker after Pryce, the guy who needs some help, shows up. Mike takes down the smart ass. The big guy runs off. Mike gets in the car with Pryce and they leave.

Kim tries talking to Howard after Jimmy has left. She tries talking him into giving Jimmy a chance. Howard gets snippy with her but then apologizes and asks her to close the door so they can talk about the situation. She goes to see Jimmy that night. He is not in a good mood. He is pissed. She tries to talk him into accepting the deal. He all but accuses her of stabbing him in the back. She doesn't stay very long after that.

Mike's job is to ride shotgun with Pryce who is selling some stolen pharmaceutical pills to someone else. Pryce is very nervous. Mike winds up coaching him on how to handle the situation. The buyer turns out to be Nacho. The transaction goes off relatively smoothly. Mike gets his money.

Jimmy plugs in his phone after Kim leaves. It has been dead since that morning because it was left on overnight, after Chuck used it. The next day he confronts Chuck and tries to push him to threaten to quit. Chuck won't. Jimmy lets the other show drop and reveals that he knows that Chuck used his phone to call Howard the night before last. Chuck is the one blocking Jimmy, not Howard, but he doesn't understand why.

Chuck lays in to Jimmy. He doesn't believe that Jimmy earned his law degree. He doesn't think Jimmy is a real lawyer. He thinks he's still Slippin' Jimmy. Jimmy gets up and leaves.


Chuck was the real problem. Chuck was the impediment blocking Jimmy's way into an associate's position at HHM. That was a real chicken shit thing for him to do. The least he could have done was tell Jimmy to his face. He owed him that much.

There might be a little more about the class action case against Sandpiper Crossing but I think this episode has more or less wiped it off the map.

I don't recall if Nacho and Mike had met before. I know that Mike knows of him but I don't recall what if anything Nacho knows about Mike.

I foresaw that Chuck might have something to do with Jimmy not getting a job at HHM once I saw him making that phone call in the middle of the night. I didn't foresee that Howard was covering for him. That was a big reveal. It changes everything, especially Jimmy's relationship with Chuck.

Overall I thought this was an excellent episode.

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