Monday, August 9, 2021

Captain Harlock (1978) 1.12

Mother, Be Eternal

Daiba tries to make up for his mistake by training to fight the Mazone in a simulator. The rest of the crew of the Arcadia observes and tries to learn from what they are seeing on the surface of Venus. They see etchings that remind them of ancient drawings from Earth. Captain Harlock has the Arcadia descend into a huge crater which reminds them of a similar one on Earth.

The crew, led by Captain Harlock, exit the Arcadia and explore what looks like an abandoned Mazone base. The place looks ancient. They find old ceramic containers which register as being 180 million years old when they take them back to the Arcadia and analyze them.

Captain Harlock orders them out of the crater in a rush as the place starts to collapse around them. The Arcadia emerges on the surface of and is quickly confronted by the Mazone forward base for which they were searching. The base takes to the sky and a fight ensues between the Aradia and the Mazone base. Tadashi joins the conflict in a small space ship.

The forward base is defeated by the Arcadia but Lola survives in her small spaceship. Tadashi goes after her. She creates an illusion that confuses Tadashi. His ship seems to be caught in a wave. He sees his mother. Only he sees these things. The others are watching him from the Arcadia unsure of what he is up to. Tadashi finally realizes what Lola is doing and opens fire on what looks like his mother. Tadashi, in the aftermath of the battle, finally accepts that his mother is dead and gone.


Not great but I think that Tadashi finally made some progress. I'm sure there will be more lessons that he will grudginly have to learn. This show moves slow. I like how it uses myths and legends but I wish that it moved a little faster.

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