Monday, August 16, 2021

Justice League 2.12.A

Wild Cards - Part 1

The Joker plants a bomb in Las Vegas. He challenges the Justice League to find it. He has cameras all over the city watching them as they search for the bomb. He gives them less than 25 minutes to get the job done. Superman finds the bomb but it turns out to be a dud. He and the rest of the league get attacked by the Royal Flush Gang. The Joker explains who the Royal Flush Gang are and gives a brief description of them and their powers.

Superman does a scan of the whole city and finds out that there are 25 more bombs. The team splits up to find and defuse them all. They are pursued by the Royal Flush Gang as they attempt to complete their mission. Superman battles Ten, the Gang's strong man. Batman is attacked by Jack, the Gang's answer for Plastic Man. Queen gives Green Lantern a tough time until Hawkgirl shows up and evens the odds. The episode ends with The bomb that GL was trying to defuse blowing up.


Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman are not in this episode. Harley Quinn is in this episode but she doesn't play a very big part in it.

The casino in which Green Lantern and Hawkgirl fight Queen is the Amos Fortune Casino. Amos Fortune was the creator of the original Royal Flush Gang. A different version of the Royal Flush Gang shows up in Batman Beyond.

Most of the episode is accompanied by commentary from the Joker. There is a real-time countdown clock in the lower left side of the screen from the time the Joker announces how much time is left until the end of the episode when the clock is down to about 7 minutes.

I like but don't love this episode. There is no hesitation when the Joker announces that there is a bomb buried in Las Vegas. Everyone looks for the bomb. No one tries going after the Joker, not even Batman. I thought that was odd.

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