Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Freaks and Geeks 1.11

Looks and Books

Lindsay's friends talk her into borrowing her parents' car without their permission. She gets distracted by her friends, while driving, and crashed into another car. Her parents ground her and forbid her from hanging around with her friends.

Sam decides he needs to upgrade his looks to attract Cindy. He tries feathering his hair. A lot of people take notice of his new look but Cindy isn't one of them. Neal suggests that he also needs to get new clothes. Sam gets some money from his father and goes clothes shopping.

Lindsay decides to rejoin the mathletes. She starts dressing like she used to before she starting hanging out with Kim, Daniel, and Nick. She gives them a hard time when they see her in school. Lindsay takes part in a mathletic competition. Kim, Daniel, and Ken show up to cheer for her, despite the harsh words she had for them earlier. Lindsay's parents are also at the event.

Sam gets talked into buying a "Parisian Night Suit" at a clothing store. He wears it to school the next day. Everyone makes fun of him. It looks like a jump suit. He gets picked on and almost gets into a fight with Alan. Sam gets Mr. Rosso to give him a ride home so he can change. He gets some advice on confidence from Mr. Rosso.

Lindsay decides she doesn't want to be a mathlete anymore. She goes back to hanging out with Kim, Daniel, Ken, and Nick.


This was a fun episode to watch. There were a lot of good laughs in Sam's part of it. He couldn't see what was coming but it was pretty clear he was bound to fail with the jump suit. He wanted to believe in it and did until the crap he was getting from other students got to be a little too much.

Lindsay's part of the episode was good. It didn't speak to me as much as Sam's did.

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