Tuesday, March 16, 2021

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 4.01

The Coronation

Glimmer prepares for her coronation. Castaspella, her aunt, puts a lot of pressure on her. Her friends (Adora, Bow, Frosta, Mermista, Perfuma) try to help her get ready but they also get on her nerves a bit. Glimmer has to complete a quest before her coronation. Bow tries to read up on it but he misses a few details. Bow and Adora accompany Glimmer on her quest. It all works out in the end even though they almost get eaten by a giant snake.

Catra is not in Hordak's good graces. He's angry at her for what she did, last season. He continues to push her around. She does the same to Scorpia. Catra gets very angry when Scorpia tries suggesting that they should go to Beast Island to retrieve Entrapta. Catra insists that Entrapta betrayed them.

Catra spots the weakness in the armor that Entrapta built for him. She swipes the First One's tech that powers the armor. He is weak and ineffective without it. She gives it back to him but not until he agrees to go along with her plans to wipe out the rebels.


The parts that took place in Bright Moon were a good mix of funny and heartfelt. I might have shed a few tears. Frosta stole the show with her toughness. Catra still seems as determined as ever. Nothing can stop her. If anything is going to change her my guess is that it might be Horde Prime.

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