Friday, March 26, 2021

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 4.02

The Valley of the Lost

Queen Glimmer sends Adora, Bow, Huntara, and Perfuma to the Crimson Waste to recover Mara's spaceship. The spaceship isn't where they left it. They find it in the Valley of the Lost. The Horde has it. Catra and Scorpia are there. 

Perfuma is very discouraged because she has trouble controlling cacti and there is nothing but cacti (in terms of plants) in the Crimson Waste. They are counting on her to help them move the spaceship once they finds it.

Glimmer keeps checking in via Bow's tablet. She's very eager to know what kind of progress they are making. Adora doesn't want her to know that they have encountered some setbacks.

Huntara turns to Grox, an old friend, for help but Grox announces where they are to the Horde. Catra and Scorpia meet a shapeshifter named Double Trouble who is eager to work for the highest bidder.

Bow locates the spaceship. Perfuma figures out how to control cacti. She-Ra fights Catra except it is really Double Trouble. The heroes recover the spaceship but Catra is happy because the Horde now has a new ally, Double Trouble. Huntara announces that she is going to stay in the Crimson Waste and turn it to the side of the Princess Alliance.


The Valley of the Lost reminded me of Mos Eisley.

It occurred to me, while She-Ra was fighting Catra, that the Horde might capture Bow and have Double Trouble impersonate him. That didn't happen but maybe it will in a future episode.

This is a decent episode but nothing spectacular. There are some character moments in it but nothing that blew me away or seemed especially well handled.

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