Thursday, July 8, 2021

Doctor Who (1963) 14.06.06

The Talons of Weng-Chiang - Part 6

Leela fights back but she is knocked out with a rag soaked in chloroform. Weng-Chiang demands that the Doctor hand over the key to the time cabinet. The Doctor agrees to to do so but only after they have reached the House of the Dragon. Leela gets left behind. She wakes up after they leave, grabs a knife, and goes after them.

The Doctor and Weng-Chiang talk at the House of the Dragon. The Doctor insists that Jago and Litefoot be released before he will hand over the key. Weng-Chiang agrees but then he breaks his promise. Mr. Sin shoots the Doctor with a laser beam than emits from the glass eyes of a large bronze dragon. The Doctor is then locked up with Jago and Litefoot while Magnus Greel, Weng-Chiang's real name, makes plans to return to the future.

Leela arrives at the House of the Dragon. She attempts to kill Greel but his henchmen get to her before she can succeed. 

The Doctor awakens in captivity and comes up with a plan to get them out of there. He creates a gas bomb which kills or disables several of Greel's followers. The Doctor prevents Greel from killing Leela but then finds himself, Leela, Jago and Litefoot under attack from Mr. Sin who attempts to kill them with the Eyes of the Dragon.

Greel seems to be in control but then then Mr. Sin goes crazy and starts shooting Greel's henchmen. Greel dies when he gets pushed into the machine he was using to devour the life essences of young women. The Doctor disables Mr. Sin by ripping out his fuse. The Doctor, Leela, Jago, and Litefoot leave the House of the Dragon and get some muffins before the Doctor and Leela depart in the TARDIS.


This was fun to watch once again but I really do wish they had hired an actor of  Chinese ancestry to play the part of Li H'sen Chang. It had been more than a decade since I last saw it. I love all the details that emerge in this final part. They don't really lead anywhere but they provide a sideways glance into Magnus Greel's and the Doctor's pasts. Greel did show up in a few other Doctor Who stories but no other episodes of the TV show.

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