Thursday, July 15, 2021

Doctor Who (1963) 7.04.01

Inferno - Part 1

Harry Slocum, a technician working on the "inferno" project, gets infected while doing some routine maintenance. He murders a scientist while leaving the site of the drilling, where he did the repair work. 

Sir Keith Gold brings in Greg Sutton, an expert in oil rigs, to have a look at the project. Sir Keith is concerned about safety something that the project's originator, Professor Stahlman, doesn't want to hear about. The professor thinks he's got everything under control.

The Doctor and Liz Shaw are on site at the project conducting some experiments. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and Sgt. Benton are also on site. They are investigating the murder and trying to locate the missing technician. Harry Slocum murders another scientist. There is a surge of nuclear power just at the Doctor and Ms. Shaw are conducting an experiment. 

The Doctor and Liz hear a siren. They rush to the drill site. Something has gone wrong. Sir Keith wants to shut everything down but Professor Stahlman insists on keeping it up and running, despite the fact that something is clearly wrong. Sutton tries to help the professor and Petra Williams, the professor's assistant, get things under control.

The Doctor, Liz, the Brigadier, and Sgt. Benton rush off to investigate the discovery of a new body. Harry Slocum, wide-eyed and looking rather crazed, bursts in just as they arrive at the body.


I didn't think I had seen this one before but it seems familiar to me. I watched a few Third Doctor stories back in 2005 and 2006 on MPT. This might have been one of them.

Sir Keith is played by Christopher Benjamin who also played Henry Gordon Jago in The Talons of Weng-Chiang.

The jury is till out on this one. So far I'm not terribly impressed. It isn't awful and I'm not an expert on this era of Doctor Who but so far it has yet to suck me in.

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