Monday, July 19, 2021

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 4.08

Boys Night Out

Mermista is in the dumps because she lost her kingdom. Adora and Glimmer are still getting on one another's nerves. Sea Hawk gets Bow and Swift Wind to accompany him on a Boys Night Out. They go to a pub, have some drinks, and then get captured by pirates. Sea Hawk tells Bow and Swift Wind not to worry. Their captors aren't real pirates and it is all part of his plan bring everyone back together.

It turns out that the pirates are real pirates. They are led by an old acquaintance of Sea Hawk, Admiral Scurvy. He turns them over the Horde but not before Sea Hawk gets a message off to Mermista, by seagull.

Mermista gets Adora and Glimmer to stop fighting long enough to help her rescue the boys.

Catra spends the episode trying to find Scorpia only to discover that Scorpia has left.


This was a silly episode. There was lots of singing. Mermista invoked the name of Sea-Ra once again. Most of the songs were sung by the boys but Mermista also sang a song during the rescue.

I appreciate the silly humor in this episode but I'm getting a bit tired of watching Adora and Glimmer fight. It feels like that plot point has been stretched a bit further than necessary, and then some.

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