Tuesday, January 25, 2022

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 5.04


Glimmer tells Adora and Bow about how Catra saved her. Glimmer tries to apologize to Bow but he doesn't want to listen. Adora accepts her apology.

Swift Wind tries to contact Adora via their link. It is only supposed to work with She-Ra but he holds out hope that he can get it to work.

Mara's spaceship runs out of fuel. Entrapta locates a nearby planet that has thulite crystals, the power source they need to replenish the ship. The planet they land on is desolate. The explore a cave which they think might have the crystals that they need.

Adora finds that they are not alone on the desolate world. There are three other people there also looking for the crystals, the Star Siblings (Starla, Tallstar, and their brother Jewelstar). They are suspicious of Adora and her friends, at first, but they agree to teamup with Adora and her friends.

Things go wrong but Adora manages to put on a display of power as if she is She-Ra. The Star Siblings are impressed and agree to join the rebellion against Horde Prime.

Adora decides, once they have the ship back up and running, that they need to go back for Catra. Glimmer agrees.

The episode ends with Swift Wind receiving a signal from She-Ra.


Catra and Horde Prime are not in this episode, nor are there any scenes that take place on Horde Prime's flagship.

The Star Siblings are a welcome addition to the cast. They each seem to have their own specialties. Starla wields some sort of throwing weapons. Tallstar has what look like stretchy cybernetic arms. I'm not sure what Jewelstar's specialty is. I don't know if the Star Siblings are legacy characters from the original iteration of She-Ra or new creations.

Bow eventually comes around and is nice to Glimmer but he's kind of cold and distant towards her for most of this episode.

I thought for a second that Adora was going to transform into She-Ra without the sword, but she didn't. It was a kind of emotional moment for me.

This was a good episode. I really like it. It gives me more hope that I will like the way the series ends.

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