Monday, January 31, 2022

Doctor Who (1963) 6.05.02

The Seeds of Death - Episode Two

Phipps, one of the other technicians at Moonbase, runs off when he sees his companion killed. He hides in the solar energy store room. One of the aliens comes looking for him but overlooks him. Once Phipps is alone again he starts to use the equipment in the store room to build a couple devices.

Radnor and Kelly do their best to talk Professor Eldred into helping them resolve the situation at Moonbase. He is very resistant. It isn't until the Doctor agrees to help out that Professor Eldred finally comes around and agrees to help. The Doctor proposes that he, Zoe, and Jamie will pilot the rocket to the moon. Kelly wants to go but Radnor rules that out.

Fewsham, one of the other technicians, is forced by the aliens to repair the emergency T-Mat. He repairs it just in time for Kelly and a couple of technicians to use it to get to the Moon. They ask Fewsham what happened. He is too scared to tell them the truth so he lies to them. Kelly and her assistants are too focused on fixing the problems with T-Mat to notice that they are being watched by aliens.

Phipps builds a weapon that he uses on one of the aliens when it comes back to look for him. He also builds a transmitter but he doesn't have any luck contacting Earth.

The Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe fly to the moon in the Professor's rocket. They are following the homing beacon on the Moon when it suddenly stops transmitting.


The plot continues to evolve. The Doctor and his companions have yet to encounter the aliens. Some of the scenes feel a bit padded but so far I like the way this story has been paced.

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