Sunday, August 11, 2024

Indiscreet (1958)

Indiscreet (1958)

starring Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman
directed by Stanley Donen

100 minutes

Actress Anna Kalman (Ingrid Bergman) has given up on love when she meets Philip Adams (Cary Grant). She is very taken with him as is he with her. He lets her know that he is married but separated from his wife. She does not lose interest and their romance starts to deepen. He changes plans which he had to move overseas and instead gets an apartment in the same building as she.

Anna holds out hope that Philip’s wife will ask for a divorce. Their relationship hits a major crisis when she learns from her sister that Philip was lying about his marital status; he isn’t married. Instead of rejoicing that he isn’t married she feels hurt that he lied to her. 


This is a romantic comedy of sorts. I don’t recall seeing it before. There were no actors in this movie that I recognized other than the two leads. 

I like Indiscreet but I’m not crazy about it. It s a little fluffy. Both of the leads are good but there's a limited amount there for them to do. I'm glad it wasn't any longer than it was.

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