Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Favourite (2018)

The Favourite (2018)

starring Emma Stone, Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz
directed by Yorgos Lanthimos

119 minutes

England, 1705. Abigail (Emma Stone) turns to her cousin Sarah (Rachel Weisz), Duchess of Marlborough, for help. Sarah is the friend and lady in waiting to Queen Anne of England (Olivia Colman). Sarah has been the favourite of the queen for a number of years. Abigail is given a low level job in the kitchen until she catches the queen's attention.

Abigail is quickly promoted out of the kitchen, given much better living accommodations, and made Sarah's lady in waiting. Robert Harley, a member of Parliament who seeks to get the queen's ear, turns to Abigail for help. His efforts create a rift between Abigail and Sarah.

Abigail eventually deposes Sarah as the Queen's favourite. Abigail goes a few steps further and comes close to killing Sarah. The film ends on an uncertain note.


Most of the characters in this movie were real people and my research seems to indicate that most of the events are loosely accurate.

It is unclear to me how much the interference of Harley influenced Abigail's decisions. He forced her hand but did he push her to replace Sarah? Would she have gone as far as she did if he had not been part of the story? Would she even have tried to oust her cousin if Harley had not made her life difficult? Would Sarah have pushed Abigail had she not felt threatened herself? So many questions.

This is a very good movie. It isn't exactly my cup of tea but it is worth a watch. All three leads are extremely good but if I had to single out one it would be Rachel Weisz.

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