Friday, August 9, 2024

Orange Is the New Black 7.05

Minority Deport

Piper spends a day with Cal, goofing off. They get high together. He tells how to get by the drug testing but it doesn't work. Her parole officer fools her into telling her what she actually did. Piper pleads with the parole officer and get off easy and doesn't go back to prison.

Flores disappears. Ramos doesn't know what happened to her and is freaking out. Menndoza gives her a phone number to call for a lawyer. It works but someone overheard her and asks for the phone number. Ramos takes pity on the woman and decides to give the woman the number. Ramos thinks about it and looks around and decides to give the number out to everyone. The guards see what's going on and pull Ramos aside.

Aleida is having trouble with Eva, her 13-year-od daughter who has a boyfriend who is dealing drugs and is much older than Eva. Aleida tries to talk some sense into Eva but that doesn't work. She tries taking her to see Dayanara, but that doesn't work either.

Aleida gets the backstory spotlight. The story flashes back to when Aleida was about Eva's age. She hated her situation at home and ran away. She turned tricks to make money. She wound up in juvie but only temporarily. She ran away again after juvie this time to live with a friend and her drug dealer brother.

Flores is taken to a hearing. She sees what one of the other women does and figures out how to play the judge. It buys her some time. 

Red has trouble remembering things. She messes up a couple recipes. Mendoza tries talking to her but Red flips out. Everyone in the kitchen backs off after that.

McCullough does Vause a favor.

Taystee talks Ward into letting her be her assistant. Taystee has plans to use the job to get some information that she can sell to Daya for drugs that she can then use to kill herself. She digs through Ward's desk when Ward is elsewhere and finds out that Cindy has been approved for early release.

Aleida goes nuclear when she finds out that Eva is at the home of the drug dealer. She smashes a car window and get arrested by the police.

The episode ends with Ramos getting deported.


Doggett, Suzanne, Caputo, Fig, Linda, Berlin, Cindy are not in this episode. O'Neill is in this episode but Bell is not. Most of this episode took place in the ICE detention facility, on the outside, or in other places that are not cell blocks.

Chapman didn't get what she deserved. She got off easy. The were no consequences for her actions at the end of the previous episode and then her parole officer let off with a slap on the wrist. She has so many advantages and can't see it.

I guess that's it for Aleida. She's going back to prison, back to Litchfield. She was trying to do the right thing for Eva but like Chapman she can't find the right approach. She didn't have all the advantages that Chapman had growing up. 

Will Cindy get early release? Will Taystee find some way to screw that up for her? Will Red put her life back together again as best she can in Litchfield? Will Flores avoid deportation? 

I'm starting to think that maybe Piper will stay out of prison but lose Alex to McCullough.

This was a good episode. The ending was a downer. I guess that they are starting to wrap things up. I'm guessing that if Ramos shows up again it will be in the last episode to show what happened to her after or since she arrived back in Colombia.

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