Saturday, August 24, 2024

Justice League Action 1.12


Clark Kent and Diana Prince are having dinner together at an Italian restaurant, getting ready to kiss, when Superman hears something. They head outside and find a purple and black costumed man. Hawkman shows up and together the three heroes try to stop the man who calls himself Repulse from wrecking more havoc than he already has.

Superman breaks through Repulse's forcefield and turns off the power. Repulse turns out to be Lex Luthor in disguise. Luthor is sent to prison but Superman finds that he has been infected with the Repulse power.

Wonder Woman and Hawkman visit Luthor in prison. Wonder Woman uses her magic lasso to force Luthor to tell them how to cure Superman. This leads the three heroes plus Luthor to a black hole where Superman gets cured of the nanotech that controlled the repulsive power.


Superman and Wonder Woman come close to kissing three times in this episode.

If I stop and think about this episode then it falls apart but I enjoyed it very much.

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