Saturday, August 3, 2024

Justice League Action 1.09

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Batman and Blue Beetle chase Chronos through a time portal and arrive in the past on the night that Batman first faced off against the Falcone crime family. Present Batman and Blue Beetle make sure not to let Past Batman see them. They save Past Batman without him even knowing it.


Superman and Wonder Woman show up at the end of the episode, after Batman and Blue Beetle have returned to the present.

Batman and Blue Beetle also teamed up in a few episodes of Batman: Brave and the Bold.
There's at least one  call back to Batman the Animated Series. Chronos' plan seems to have been to kill Batman before he became an established crime fighter. That's my read of the situation but is never explicitly made clear.

This was a fun episode but I think it could have been better if it was a little longer.

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