Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 12.02.01

The Ark in Space - Part One

The Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, and Harry Sullivan land in the TARDIS on a space station. The Doctor's original plan was to take them to the Moon but Harry messed with some of the equipment in the TARDIS and (according to the Doctor) that threw them off course. 

They start to explore the room in which the TARDIS materialized. Sarah goes through a door that opens up. The door closes behind her and gets trapped in a room without any oxygen. It takes a couple minutes for the Doctor and Harry to figure out what happened and get the door opened. The door closes trapping all three of them in the room.

The Doctor repairs something and gets the oxygen turned back on. They lay Sarah down on a couch. They go into the other room. Sarah dematerializes while they are gone. The Doctor and Harry and kept busy by a security system that tries to electrocute them. They go looking for Sarah once they have dealt with the security system.

They eventually find Sarah in a room filled with people cryogenically frozen. She too is frozen. Harry goes looking for something to help them unfreeze Sarah. He opens a door and a giant insect like creature lurches forth at him.


I recall watching this story years ago. I don't think I've seen it in it's entirety since at least the 1990s, possibly the 1980s.

I like the setup. There are a few frozen people but none of them wake up in this episode. The only walking, talking people are the Doctor, Sarah, and Harry.

The plastic coverings to the cryogenic pods seem kind of flimsy by today's standards but I'm not sure I would have noticed that when I first watched this story.

I remember part of what comes next but not everything.

Part of this reminds of Invasion of the Dinosaurs except that they are really out in space unlike in the earlier story.

My one complaint is that Sarah's primary role in this episode is to disappear. She gets a change of costume right near the end of the episode. I wasn't crazy about the dress she was wearing for most of the episode. Her new outfit is a big improvement over that dress.

Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, and Philip Hinchcliffe are on the commentary track. Some of Liz Sladen's comments indicate she agreed with my opinion of the dress.

This was pretty good start. I'm eager for more.

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