Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.08

Asuka Arrives in Japan

Katsuragi, Shinji, and his two classmates get helicopter ride out to a fleet of ships that is bringing an Evangelion to Japan from Germany. Asuka Langley Soryu, the pilot, greets them when they board the aircraft carrier. Katsuragi gets a nasty surprise when she discovers that Kaji is traveling with Asuka. He asks some rather personal questions which make is clear that they have know each other intimately.

Asuka is showing Shinji her Evangelion when the fleet comes under attack from an Angel. Asuka and Shinji suit up. He has to wear one of her suits. They take off with permission from Katsuragi despite orders from the fleet's commander forbidding them to do so. Katsuragi comes up with a plan for how to deal with the Angel. Asuka and Shinji are forced to work together in the cockpit of her Evangelion in order to lure the Angel into the trap that Katsuragi has set for it.

Kaji doesn't stick around. He leaves early and flies to Nerv headquarters where he delivers a special package to Shinji's father. The next day Shinji's class welcomes a new student, Asuka.


I started to watch this episode on my TV but there was some problem with the subtitles so I switched over to watching it on my computer. Some of the lines of dialogue weren't showing up in the subtitles. At first it was a line here or there but I decided that enough was enough after it missed four consecutive lines of dialogue.

The world of this show continues to expand. I'm not sure what to make of Kaji but Asuka is very self-confident and likes to let it show. She was not terribly impressed when she first met Shinji. Maybe the experience of working with him will mellow her attitude towards him. Rei was not in this episode. Akagi is in it but doesn't show up until the very end.

This was a decent episode but it can be a bit immature at times. Where does it go from here? Will Shinji, Rei, and Asuka become a team? Will any other pilots join them? What is up with the Angels? Why so they want to destroy the Evangelion units? What are the Angels really after and where are they from?

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