Monday, August 19, 2024

The Tick (2016) 2.07

Lei-Lo, Ho!

Arthur, the Tick, and Tinfoil Kevin figure out where Lobstercules children are being held captive. It is a call from Miss Lint that tips them off. She won't tell them where she is but thanks to Caller ID they are able to see that she is at the Lei-Lo Hotel.

Walter goes to the hardware store, comes home, and takes a call from Agent Tyrannosaurus Rathbone.

Miss Lint starts to hallucinate. Her own reflection starts talking to her about changing sides, really becoming one of the good guys.

Dot, Overkill, and Danger Boat go on a mission to capture the Duke and walk right into a trap. Overkill's bionic eyes get hacked and he loses the ability to control them. Dot almost gets blown to pieces but thanks to her precognitive ability she is able to escape just in time.


This was another fun episode. My favorite part may have been when Overkill and Dot have a dance party aboard Danger Boat before they infiltrate the Duke's secret headquarters.

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