Monday, August 12, 2024

The Tick (2016) 2.06

Categorically Speaking

AEGIS has an open house. Superian shows up unexpectedly and sneaks in disguised as a civilian. Dot meets with her mother and then goes to the AEGIS open runs where by chance she runs into Tinfoil Kevin. Arthur and the Tick try to get Lobstercules released. The first step is getting in to see her.

Arthur and the Tick get the paperwork that they need to fill out and work on it. The last signature they need is from Joan of Arc. It takes a little convincing but she eventually signs the paperwork.

Dot and Tinfoil Kevin talk as they take part in a guided tour of the AEGIS building. Dot finds a picture of someone who looks just like Walter, her stepfather, Special Agent John Wu. Tinfoil Kevin explains his theories about AEGIS to Dot.

Superian catches up to the pundit who has been bad mouthing him on television. He takes him on a little trip.

Arthur and the Tick finally get in to see Lobstercules. They convince her that she needs to speak up or else the scientists of AEGIS will perform experiments on her. She tells the about her origins and they promise to rescue her children.


This was different. Most of this episode took place inside AEGIS headquarters. Overkill was not in this episode, even though the summary mentioned him by name. Tyrannosaurus Rathbone is back. 

What next? Will Arthur and the Tick find Lobstercules children? Will Joan of Arc decide to remain one of the good guys? What's up with the picture of Walter at AEGIS HQ? Where are Overkill and Danger Boat? 

Good, very good. I am eager for more and mourning the fact that there are just four episodes left.

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