Saturday, March 1, 2025

Adventure Time 4.10


Princess Bubblegum makes a creature to rule when she is dead. She names it Goliad. It is much bigger than she. She lets Finn and Jake teach Goliad but they quickly find out that it has bad instincts and that it has learned from their bad examples. They tell Princess Bubblegum what happened. She gets to work on building another creature (Stormo) to counter Goliad while they keep Goliad distracted.


I enjoyed this episode but it felt like an incomplete story. Maybe Goliad and Stormo will return in a future episode.

Steven Universe 1.07

Bubble Buddies

Steven talks to Connie for the first time. He creates a bubble around them when some falling debris looks like it is about to hit them. Steven doesn't know how to disperse the bubble so they are stuck in the bubble for a while. They go looking for someone to help them pop the bubble.

They wind up in the ocean. The bubble sinks to the bottom but they eventually escape from the bubble and swim back to the surface.


Connie is in the opening credits but I think this is the first time she has been in an episode.

I'm not sure how long the air in a bubble that size would last.

Amethyst and Pearl are eager to meet Steven's new friend but Garnet respects Steven's wishes and drags the other two away.