Sunday, June 23, 2024

Nobody (2021)

Nobody (2021)

starring Bob Odenkirk
directed by Ilya Naishuller

92 minutes

Hutch Mansell is an accountant with a wife and two children. His rage gets unleashed one day after a home invasion. In the process of trying to track down something that the robbers took he crosses paths with and seriously injures the younger brother of a big time Russian gangster.

Hutch, it turns out, had another job before he was an accountant. He was a special operative for an unnamed government agency. Once Hutch realizes who he is dealing with, and how serious they are about payback, he kicks it into high gear.

The Phil Silvers Show 3.28

Bilko's Honeymoon

Private Dino Papparelli wins a trip for two to Miami Beach. Bilko decides that he should be Papparilli's plus one. At the last minute they discovers that the trip is for a honeymoon for a married couple. Bilko orders Papparelli dress up in drag. Bilko does his best to keep Pappareilli hidden after they arrive in Miami. Things get a little more complicated when Col. Hall and his wife show up in Miami. They are delighted to hear that Bilko is married and want to meet his wife.


This was pretty good but I think there was potential here to make it even better.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

starring Aya Okamoto, Yoshiaki Umegaki, Tohru Emori
directed by Satoshi Kon

92 minutes

Japanese with English subtitles

Three homeless people (Miyuki, Hana, Gin) find a crying baby, on Christmas Eve in a pile of garbage. They spend the next couple days trying to track down the parents. Their quest takes them on quite a journey through Tokyo as they use what clues they have to figure out who the baby's parents are and where they live.

Miyuki (Aya Okamoto) is a young woman who fled from her parents home after she stabbed her father. He survived the incident but she fears how she will be treated if she returns, in part because her father is a police officer.

Hana (Yoshiaki Umegaki) is a drag queen who abandoned her her friends after her boyfriend died suddenly.

Gin (Tohru Emori) is a middle aged man who abandoned his wife and daughter after wracking up huge gambling debts. He has not seen them in years and has no idea if they are still alive.

Justice League Action 1.03

Shazam Slam - Part 3: Night of the Bat

Batman encounters Uthool, another of the Brother Djinn. Green Arrow joins the fight but Uthool gets away. Batman returns to the Hall of Justice where it becomes clear that all is not right with Batman. Uthool has merged with Batman. Wonder Woman, Superman, Booster Gold, and Cyborg all join the efforts to stop Uthool. The Hall of Justice is destroyed during the fight but the Djinn Brother is captured and separated from Batman.


This was a nice little episode. I like the inclusion of the other members of the Justice League. Still no more signs of Shazam or Black Adam.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Un Village Français 4.10

Des nouvelles d'Anna
or News from Anna

12 Nov 1942

Madme Morhange returns but she is very sick. She is brought to Daniel's home. He has her put in a bedroom and looks after her. She has two letters with her. One is from Rita's mother. The other is from Anna Crémieux. 

Marchetti takes a couple stabs at interrogating Albert Crémieux but he doesn't get anywhere. He goes to see Daniel, after learning from Servier that Daniel wants to see him. He takes the letters he finds there. One of his men forges a fake letter from Anna Crémieux. It is enough to fool Albert. He gives up everyone except Bériot who he says is soft and not involved in the Resistance.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 5.01.03

The Tomb of the Cybermen - Episode 3

The Cybermen take charge inside the crypt. They announce their plans to freeze some of the humans until they are ready to be converted. They advance on the Doctor, Jamie and the others. The Doctor and Professor Parry are quickly captured. Jamie tries to escape but the exit to the crypt is closed and the Cybermen eventually capture him too.

Victoria gets Captain Hopper and one of the crewmen (Callum) who were trying to repair the spaceship. Callum figures out how to open the entrance to the crypt. Kaftan attempts to prevent them from opening it but they overwhelm her. The entrance to the crypt is opened.

Hopper descends into the crypt. He uses smoke bombs to distract the Cybermen. Everyone escapes except Toberman. They close the door to the crypt. Klieg and Kaftan are judged to be untrustworthy and placed in another room. Kaftan finds one of the guns that the Cybermen use. She and Klieg figure out how to use it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Professionals (1966)

The Professionals (1966)

starring Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin, Woody Strode, Robert Ryan
written, directed, and produced by Richard Brooks

117 minutes

In the early 20th century, Rico (Lee Marvin) leads three other men Bill (Burt Lancaster), Jake (Woody Strode), and Hans (Robert Ryan) on a mission into Mexico to rescue Maria, the wife of a wealthy American. It turns out that they weren't given the full story. The situation is also complicated by the fact that Rico and Bill previously fought in the Mexican Revolution on the same side as Jesus Raza, the bandit who abducted Maria.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.01

Angel Attack

Tokyo-3, in the year 2015, is under attack by a giant creature, an Angel. Shinji Ikari, a teenage boy, is summoned by his father. Captain Misato Katsuragi picks up Shinji from where he has been living and transports him to Toyko-23. His father wants Shinji to pilot a giant robot (Evangelion) whose purpose is to destroy the Angel.

Shinji's father runs Nerv, a United Nations organization, that has been looking for a way to deal with the Angels, which last showed up 15 years earlier. Shinji has some sort of mental bond with Evagelion 001. He is resistant at first to piloting the Evangelion but changes his mind after he sees Rei, the girl who they are planning to send up in his place. She is badly injured but willing to go.

The episode ends with Shinji launching the Evangelion and getting ready to do battle with the Angel.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Wonder Woman 1.05

The Feminum Mystique - Part 2

Captain Radl tricks Drusilla, whom he thinks is Wonder Woman, into revealing the location of Paradise Island. It is there and only there that Feminum, the metal from which her bracelets were forged, can be found.

Diana hears that the Nazis are operating in Florida and fears that Paradise Island may be in danger. Steve gives her leave to return home. She gets there in time to warn Queen Hippolyta, her mother about a possible invasion by the Nazis.

Wonder Woman organizes a team of Amazons to defend the Feminum mine. The Nazis, led by Captain Radl, attack and take over the mine. Wonder Woman and the other Amazons do as the Nazis say for fear that Queen Hippolya will be harmed if they don't.

Drusilla escapes and warns Steve about Peter Knight. Steve doesn't believe her but then he tricks Peter into revealing that he is working for the Nazis.

Wonfer Woman, Drusilla, and the other Amazons come up with a plan and overcome the Nazis. Wonder Woman and Drusilla return to the United States and get there just in time to prevent the Nazis from stealing the replacement XPJ1.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Abbott Elementary 2.11


Janine bets Melissa that her class will read more books during the Read-A-Thon than Melissa's. Jacob and Gregory start a podcast club at Abbott Elementary.

Melissa discovers that one of her students has trouble reading. Jacob goes overboard as producer of the podcast when the students in the club don't create content that he want.


This was okay. Not great but I've seen worse.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Justice League Action 1.02

Shazam Slam - Part 2: Power Outage

Superman and Wonder Woman do battle first with Parasite and then with Calythos, one of the Brothers Djinn. They sense themselves weakening and their powers not functioning as they normally do. They suspect that Calythos has somehow merged with Parasite. Martian Manhunter eventually joins the fight and proves to be the decisive factor in the fight.


Batman shows up near the end of the episode but is not involved in the fight. Jimmy Olsen appears in this episode. He plays a bigger part in the story than Batman. Billy Batson, Shazam, and Black Adam are not in this episode.

A Man for All Seasons (1966)

A Man for All Seasons (1966)

starring Paul Scofield, Wendy Hiller, Leo McKern
directed by Fred Zinnemann

120 minutes

Sir Thomas More (Paul Scofield) is made Lord Chacellor of England during the reign of Henry VIII. The king is married at the time to Catherine of Aragorn, his first wife, who after 20 years with him has not given birth to any sons that lived. Henry wants to get the marriage annulled and get married to Anne Boleyn.

More feels that such a course of action can only be taken if the pope gives his approval but because the pope already made an exception to allow Henry to marry Catherine (she was previously married to Henry's brother), More feels as though it is morally wrong to ask the Pope to reverse his previous ruling. Henry VIII does not accept More' opinion on the matter and urges him to reconsider but More refuses and ultimately resigns his post as High Chancellor.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Un Village Français 4.09

Baisers volés
or Stolen Kisses

11 Nov 1942

Marcel doesn't know what to say at first when he sees Suzanne. He insists that she is innocent. The party leader says that the matter will have to wait until the evening and places Edmond in charge until then. Marcel and Suzanne are separated but later aloud to spend some time together.

Vernet stops by Marie's farm to warn her that the police and the Germans are searching for Vincent and the radio. He doesn't stay long. Marie and Vincent take advantage of being alone while Raoul is out running an errand to indulge themselves.

Marchetti, Loriot, and another plain clothes policeman stake out the park where Eliane is waiting for Raoul. They aren't sure if he will show but he does. They follow him to Crémieux's farm but keep their distance.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fanfare d'amour (1935)

Fanfare d'amour (1935)
aka Fanfare of Love

starring Fernand Gravey, Julien Carette, Betty Stockfeld
directed by Richard Pottier

115 minutes

French with English subtitles

Jean (Fernand Gravey) and Pierre (Julien Carette), unemployed musicians, dress up in drag, call themselves Jeanette and Pierrette, and take jobs in a women's orchestra just before it travels to Toulon. Both develop crushes on Gaby (Betty Stockfeld), another member of the orchestra. Both show up out of drag at various points trying to woo Gaby. Jules, one of the managers of the hotel where the orchestra is performing, repeatedly hits on Jeanette.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 5.01.02

The Tomb of the Cybermen - Episode 2

One man is dead, shot in the back by what looked like a Cybermen that was in front of him. The others are perplexed but the Doctor solves the mystery. Professor Parry decides he's seen enough and says that they will be leaving soon. Some members of the expedition object. Professor's plan to leave gets scuttled when it is discovered that someone has sabotaged the spaceship.

The captain of the spaceship says it will take 7 hours to repair the ship. He asks most members of the expedition to stay in the tomb while he and his crew repair the ship. They decide to explore the tomb a little more. Klieg finds the right combination that opens door to the crypt. All of the men descend into tomb to explore. They find the Cybermen frozen inside of the tomb.

Klieg manipulates the controls they find inside the tomb. The Cybermen they find start to come to life. Viner tries to reverse what Klieg did. Klieg kills him. Once the Cybermen are warmed up, they burst free from their sleeping chambers. Klieg tries to explain to the Cybermen what he's done and what he expects of them but they pay him no heed.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Paranoia Agent 1.13

Final Episode

Ikari and Tsukiko wander together through his dream world. He is content there until he sees Misae, his wife. It reminds him of the world he has left behind and is trying to forget. He drinks beer and tries to forget her but then Misae shows up in the restaurant where he is drinking. Maromi dispels Misae but she returns. She tells Ikari that she is near death. Ikari decides that he's had enough. He grabs a bat and starts shattering the dream world around him.

Ikari and Tsukiko return to the real world. It is in the process of getting overrun by black ooze. Many people have been killed by the black ooze. Maniwa tries to tell them about Tsukiko's past and Maromi's origins but then the black ooze gets him.

Tsukiko remembers the past. She remembers how the dog she had as a child was killed. She lied to her father but he knew she was lying. Tsukiko finally apologizes to Maromi, the original Maromi.

The black ooze recedes and the world starts to rebuild.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Grand Hotel (1932)

Grand Hotel (1932)

starring Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery, Lionel Barrymore
directed by Edmund Goulding

112 minutes

Several people's lives intersect over the course of 24 hours at the Grand Hotel in Berlin.

Baron Felix von Gaigern (John Barrymore) isn't what he claims to be. He's really a thief who owes money to loan sharks. He has agreed to steal enough jewelery from one of the other guests to pay off his debts.

Famous ballet dancer Grusinskaya (Greta Garbo) is depressed. her jewelry is the Baron's intended target. He has been sending her flowers which she has been ignoring. Her mood doesn't change until he charms her into believing that he broke into her room because he was concerned for her well being.

Flaemschen (Joan Crawford) is a stenographer who has been hired to work for Preysing (Wallace Beery), the director of a rag manufacturer. His company is on hard times. He hopes for a merger with another company and to get Flaemschen to do more than what she has officially been hired to do.

Bookkeeper Otto Kringelein (Lionel Barrymore) has been given a terminal diagnosis. He is an employee of Preysing's company. Kringelein has decided to spent his last days living it up at the Grand Hotel. Preysing has no idea who he is even after he introduces himself.

Justice League Action 1.01

Shazam Slam - Part 1: Classic Rock

Batman teams up with the wizard Shazam and Billy Batson. Together they do battle with Black Adam who has taken control of the Rock of Eternity.


This show is about six years old but I've never watched it before. The episodes are about 12 minutes long. This episode is part one of a four-part story. The animation is a little more cartoony that the animation in the cartoons helmed by Bruce Timm but it seems to be cut from a similar piece of cloth in terms of the seriousness of the story and characters.

It always feels a bit weird when Batman steps appears in a story where magic plays a big role. He seems very out of place.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Un Village Français 4.08

Tel est pris qui croyait prendre
or He Is Caught Who Thinks to Catch

10 Nov 1942

Marie and Vincent arrive at the farm where Vincent's partner, who killed himself using the cyanide pill, was hiding. There they meet Vernet, a policeman who works for Marchetti but who is also working for the Resistance.

Daniel and Marcel Larcher argue about a few things. Marcel lets Sarah stay although she will have to hide while Marcel and his communist friends have meetings.

Marchetti asks Rita if she would like to keep the baby and get married. It makes her very happy and she says yes. She also asks him about her mother. He still doesn't have anything (honest) to tell her but he promises to ask Servier about it.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Inuyasha 1.10

Phantom Showdown:: The Thunder Brothers vs. Tetsusaiga

The fight cnntinues between Inuyasha (armed with Tetsusaiga and Hiten and Manten, the Thunder Brothers. Manten has Kagome but Shippo distracts him and she knocks him for a loop. It isn't long before Manten recaptures her.

Hiten and Inuyasha fight. Inuyasha surprises Hiten by killing Manten. Hiten goes berserk. Inuyasha gets separated from Tetsusaiga. Hiten is bearing down on him when Myōga points out that the sheath can be used defensively. Inuyasha defends against Hiten's attack and eventually gets his sword back. Kagome and Shippo looks as thought they have been killed. Inuyasha goes beserk and finishes off Hiten.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 5.01.01

The Tomb of the Cybermen - Episode 1

The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria land on the planet Tellos. They soon discover that they are not alone. There is an archaeological team nearby. They are searching for the tombs of the Cybermen. They found something just before the Doctor and his companions showed up.

The archaeological team was attempting to open a couple of doors on the side of a hill that they found. One member of the team was killed when he tried touching the doors. The Doctor determines that the doors should be safe to touch now. Once they have entered the tomb they start to explore. The group splits up.

The Doctor stays behind with Klieg and Professor Parry. Klieg tries to figure out how to open up what they think must be the burial chamber. The Doctor gives him some suggestions but Klieg is unable to get it open.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Paranoia Agent 1.12

Radar Man

Maniwa fights with Shonen Bat. Maniwa eventually comes to realize that he can't win the way he is fighting Shonen Bat but he doesn't know what the answer is. He goes to see Ikari but he isn't home. Ikari's wife is there. She gives him the clue he needs. It leads him to the understanding that there is some connection between Maromi and Shonen Bat. Maromi is modeled after a dog that Tsukiko has when she was a child. Maniwai learns that ten years ago she was attacked by someone with a bat but her attacker was never found.

Maniwa visits Tsukiko's childhood home and talks to her father. He finds the bat that her father says he told her he would use to protect her after she was attacked 10 years before. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Wonder Woman 1.04

The Feminum Mystique - Part 1

June 1942 - Major Steve Trevor and Yeoman Diana Prince visit Aldrich Field in Virginia. Steve is planning to test fly the XPJ1, a new experimental jet plane. Nazi agents strike the base before Steve can get in the jet plane. One of the Nazi agents flies off in the plane. Steve calls General Blankenship who executes Code Z which detonates explosives that are aboard the XPJ1, before it gets very far. 

The pilot who stole the XPJ1 bails out before the jet plane explodes. He is picked up by a German submarine and returns to Germany. There a new plan is hatched to find out about Wonder Woman and her bullet deflecting bracelets.

The Americans make plans to assemble another XPJ1. Queen Hippolyta sends Drusilla, Diana's sister, to the United States to fetch her. Diana invites Steve and Peter Knight, the engineer who assembled the XPJ1, over for dinner at her place. Drusilla joins them. Steve tells Peter about the plans.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Phil Silvers Show 3.27

The Colonel's Inheritance

Colonel Hall inherits $5000 from a distant relative. Bilko gets wind of the windfall inheritance and then, with some help from Barbella and Henshaw, gets his hands on the Colonel's money. He tries to use the money to make a quick buck and almost loses it all.


Henry Lascoe makes his seventh and final appearance on the show in this episode. He played the part of Adamopolis, the restaurant owner for the fourth time in this episode. He played different characters in his other three appearances.

Most of Bilko's platoon does not appear in this episode.

This was fun but far from great. How did Bilko win the money back after losing almost all of it? There's a hint given but it feels cheap that they only gave the slightest hint.

Slaying the Dragon: Reloaded (2011)

Slaying the Dragon: Reloaded (2011)

directed by Elaine Kim

29 minutes

This is a follow up to the similarly named 1988 documentary. It examines the way that Asian and Asian American women have been portrayed in American cinema, music videos, and on YouTube. There are some examples of positive portrayals but Asian and Asian American women were still in 2011 overwhelmingly playing characters who need rescuing or overly sexualized in most media.

This documentary does present the subject matter chronologically. John Cho was the only person interviewed whom I recognized. I did add a few movies to my list of things to watch in the months ahead based on this documentary.

Elaine Kim produced Slaying the Dragon (1988) but did not direct it. She directed and produced this one.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

starring Frederic March, Dana Andrews, Harold Russell
directed by William Wyler

170 minutes

Three servicemen from the same hometown but who served in different units and different services arrive back home at the same time. They cross paths numerous times as they adjust to life after the war.

Air Force Captain Fred Derry (Dana Andrews), still suffers from nightmares of seeing a friend killed in battle, returns home to find his wife working at a nightclub. He barely knew her when they got married, just before he was sent overseas. He has trouble finding the sort of work that pays enough for him to keep his wife happy.

Platoon Sergeant Al Stephenson (Frederic March), an infantryman with a drinking problem, returns home to his wife, adult daughter, and teenage son. His employer is happy to rehire Al but Al has some trouble adjusting partly because of his drinking habit and partly because his experiences in the war have given him a new perspective on how to approach his job.

Petty Officer 2nd Class Homer Parrish (Harold Russell) lost both his hands in a battle in the Pacific. He played basketball and football when he was in high school. His girlfriend has remained faithful to him and he still loves her. Despite having learned how to live with the prosthetics (hooks) that replace his hands he has trouble seeing how they can remain together.

The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1943)

The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1943)

starring Eddie Bracken, Betty Hutton
written and directed by Preston Sturges

98 minutes

Norval Jones (Eddie Bracken) is in love with Trudy Kockenlocker (Betty Hutton) but she doesn't feel the same way about him. She uses him as a cover in order to get out and go partying with a bunch of soldiers who are getting ready to ship out. She wakes up the next morning only to discover that she is got married and is pregnant. She doesn't remember whom she married.

Trudy brainstorms with Emmy, her 14-year-old sister, and comes up with a plan to avoid a scandal. She talks Norval into marrying her but the plan is for him to pretend to be the soldier whom she actually married, Ignatz Ratzkywatzky. That plan doesn't go as well as they hoped.