Titans East (Part 2)
Cyborg quickly learns that his new teammates have been brainwashed by Brother Blood. They attack him. He tries calling his old teammates for help but his signal is being blocked. He tries to talk the other Titans East into resisting Brother Blood but it is too late.
Robin, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy show up just when it seems like all hope is lost. The two teams fight one another. Cyborg gets pulled aside into a fight with Brother Blood. Cyborg tries his best but Brother Blood seems to have his number. He cuts off Cyborg's arms and legs. Brother Blood shows him how his new teammates have defeated Cyborg's old teammates.
Brother Blood still isn't satisfied. He still wants to know how Cyborg resists his brainwashing. Cyborg explains that it doesn't have anything to do with he mechanical body parts and then he uses a power that he has never exhibited before to repair himself and defeat Brother Blood.